Grasshopper Zero Turn - All Series

Part #: GrasshopperZT
No matter where you mow, there’s a Grasshopper True ZeroTurn™ mower that’s perfect for the jobs you handle every day. You’ll make quick work of wide open areas and zip in and out of tight spaces you thought only a walk-behind could reach, thanks to precise, responsive control of zero-turn maneuverability.

Grasshopper Zero-Turn Mowers


Grasshopper Mowers Grasshopper Zero Turn

Built tough, inside and out

Harsh elements and punishing conditions can take their toll on any mower. That's why we build our zero-turn mowers for strength and durability, while minimizing weight for superior agility and a light footprint. We start with a precision, robotically welded, high-grade steel tubular exoSkeletal™ frame with I-beam reinforcement, then add durable, design-matched components that will ensure years of rugged use. Our attention to detail even extends to a fusion-bonded, chip- and rust-resistant powder-coat finish that will keep your Grasshopper mower looking like new for years to come.

The ComfortZone was designed for you

Comfort isn’t just about how a mower makes you feel. It’s also about how it affects your performance as an operator. A smoother ride means greater, more precise control at faster mowing speeds, so you can stay refreshed, finish faster and leave a manicured finish. While some might call our design ergonomic, we call it humanomic. A giant step beyond ergonomics, our humanomic design makes every aspect of operation easier and less physically demanding, increases operator comfort and boosts productivity in ways you’ve never imagined. So you’ll mow longer without stopping and cut around even the most intricate landscaping at faster speeds with better results. All while delivering the picture-perfect quality of cut you’ve always imagined.

The Perfect Cut Start to Finish

A manicured cut so smooth it makes your grass look and feel like carpet. Clean, even stripes that look as though they were painted on. A finish like this doesn’t happen by accident. It takes a mower with the perfect combination of power, performance, comfort and capabilities. That’s why Grasshopper zero-turn mowers are designed to deliver the highest quality cut without compromising a fast mowing pace or a sweet ride for the operator.

Year-round Productivity Solutions

A complete range of year-round implements from Grasshopper can handle just about any grounds maintenance job imaginable and extend the productivity - and profitability - of your Grasshopper zero-turn mower well beyond the normal cutting season. While most implements are designed for use with Grasshopper FrontMount™ mowers, a limited selection of implements are also compatible with Grasshopper MidMount™ mowers.

Less Work After Work

You'll never have to make excuses for neglecting maintenance again. The service-friendly Grasshopper design makes it easy to keep your Grasshopper zero-turn mower in peak operating condition. Fewer grease points and easy access to belts and filters translate into less time spent maintaining your mower, and more time using it profitably.


FrontMount ZeroTurn Mowers

   900 Series Models

  • Model 940 EFI - 60.6 cu. in.,V-Twin, air cooled Vanguard Big Block EFI gasoline engine. 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® decks
  • Model 900D 1.3L - 1.3L, 3-cylinder, MaxTorque™ Clean Diesel engine. Available with 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 932 - 58.7 cu. in. (962 cc), 3-cylinder, liquid-cooled Kubota MaxTorque™ gasoline engine 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® decks

   700 Series Models

  • Model 725KT - 45.6 cu. in., 2-cylinder, air-cooled Kohler Command PRO V-Twin gasoline engine. Available with 52" or 61" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 727T EFI - 45.6 cu. in., air-cooled Kohler Command PRO, Delphi®-based, closed-loop, Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) V-Twin gasoline engine. Available with 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 729 BT - 54.6 cu. in., air-cooled Vanguard Big Block, V-Twin OHV gasoline engine. Available with 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 735 BT - 60.6 cu. in, air-cooled Vanguard Big Block, V-Twin OHV gasoline engine. Available with 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 725DT - 54.8 cu. in., 3-cylinder, liquid-cooled Kubota MaxTorque™ Clean Diesel engine; EPA Tier 4 Final-compliant. Available with 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 729T - 58.7 cu. in., 3-cylinder, liquid-cooled Kubota MaxTorque™ gasoline engine. Available with 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck

   600 Series Models

  • Model 623T - 41.1 cu. in., 2-cylinder, air-cooled Kohler Command V-Twin gasoline engine. Available with 52", 48" or 52" DuraMax® deck

   500V Series Models

  • Model 525V-42 - 44.2 cu. in., 2-cylinder, air-cooled B&S CXi Engine with a 42" mower decks
  • Model 526V-52 - 49.4 cu. in., 2-cylinder, air-cooled B&S Vanguard gasoline engine with a 52" mower decks

MidMount ZeroTurn Mowers

   400 Series Models

  • Model 440 - 993cc, Vanguard Big Block EFI, air-cooled V-twin with Electronic Throttle Control and 61" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 400D 1.3L - 1.3L, liquid-cooled 3-cylinder Kubota MaxTorque™ clean diesel engine with 61" DuraMax® deck

   300G Series Models

  • Model 328G4 EFI - Power, efficiency and economy. The 328G4 is equipped with a vertical crankshaft Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Briggs & Stratton Vanguard engine that continuously adjusts fuel ratios while using less fuel. Available with 52" or 61" deck.
  • Model 337G5 EFI - Powerful performance and fuel economy are available with the 337G5. Equipped with a Briggs & Stratton Vanguard Electronic Fuel-Injection (EFI) vertical shaft, V-twin engine continuously adjusts fuel ratios while using less fuel. Available with 61" or 72" deck.

   300 Series Models

  • Model 329B - 896 cc, air-cooled V-Twin horizontal crankshaft OHV Vanguard Big Block engine with 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 335B - 993 cc, air-cooled V-Twin horizontal crankshaft OHV Vanguard Big Block engine with 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 325D - 898 cc, liquid-cooled 3-cylinder Kubota MaxTorque™ Clean Diesel engine with 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck
  • Model 329 - 962 cc, liquid-cooled 3-cylinder Kubota MaxTorque™ gasoline engine with 52", 61" or 72" DuraMax® deck

   200 Series Models

  • Model 225 - 747 cc, 2-cylinder Kohler Command PRO air-cooled engine with 48", 52" or 61" side discharge deck; converts to optional mulching or vacuum collection

   200V-G4 Series Models

  • Model 225V-G4 - 747 cc Kohler Confidant OHV V-Twin engine with 52" or 61" side discharge decks; convert to optional mulching or vacuum collection
  • Model 226V-G4 - 810 cc Vanguard OHV V-Twin engine with 52" or 61" side discharge decks; convert to optional mulching or vacuum collection

   100V Series Models

  • Model 125V - 747 cc Kohler Confidant professional-grade engine with 48", 52" or 61" side discharge deck; convert to optional mulching or vacuum collection
  • Model 125VB - 724 cc (44.2 cu. in.) B&S CXi engine, V-Twin, OHV engine with 41" or 48" side discharge deck
  • Model 127V - 810 cc Commercial Turf Series V-Twin engine with 52" side discharge deck; convert to optional mulching or vacuum collection




 Download Grasshopper FrontMount ZeroTurn Specifications

 Download Grasshopper MidMount ZeroTurn Specifications

 Download Grasshopper ZeroTurn Benefits and Features

 Download Grasshopper ZeroTurn Implements



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