Worksaver Bale Grabbers

Part #: Worksaver-BG
Specialty front loader hay handling attachments for moving, stacking, and loading round bales and large square bales.

Worksaver Bale Grabbers

Large Bale Squeeze

Boost productivity when handling wrapped or unwrapped large square bales (unit will also handle square bales) with a Worksaver bale squeeze. Striking the right balance between clamping force and gentleness, these models feature arms made with round tubing to secure the bale without damaging the wrap. Large square bales are the preferred choice of dairies and livestock operators and models are offered to suit their needs. Models are available to fit "universal" skid steer mounts, and Euro/Global mounts. Models feature two hydraulically controlled arms to squeeze the bale for transport.

Skid Steer Bale Hand

The Skid Steer "Bale Hand" gently handles large wrapped or unwrapped round bales. Features smooth curved arms to prevent wrapped bale puncture when clamping. Fits skid steer and front loaders with the "Universal quick-attach system.

"R" Series Rotating Bale Hand

The "R" series is leading the way in stacking bales. The "R" series allows the operator to pick up a bale, rotate it up to 110°, and stack it like a soup can for increased versatility. All without having to place the bale down and reposition the clamps. This eliminates double handling, saving the operator time when unloading from a trailer.


  Bale Squeeze Bale Hand Rotating Bale Hand
 Model SSBS-48D SSBH-2072 SSBH-2072R UBH-2072R
 Attachment Type SSL Quick Attach SSL Quick Attach SSL Quick Attach Front Loader Mount
 Bale Type Large Square or Round Round Round Round
 Bale Size 4' to 8' 4' to 6' 4' to 6' 4' to 6'
 Capacity 2800 lbs 2200 lbs 2200 lbs 2200 lbs
 Rotation -- -- up to 110° up to 110°
 Unit Weight 715 lbs 572 lbs 730 lbs 705 lbs




 Bale Handlers

 Bale Attachments


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